Ethereum: A Decentralized Platform for Smart Contracts

Ethereum comprises a global network of computers that collectively adhere to a predefined set of principles known as the Ethereum protocol.

Ethereum: A Decentralized Platform for Smart Contracts
Photo by Shubham's Web3 / Unsplash

In this blog post, we will provide a more detailed introduction to Ethereum, a decentralized blockchain platform that allows anyone to create and run decentralized applications (dApps,) including its history, technology, applications, and ecosystem. We will also discuss the challenges and opportunities facing Ethereum in the future. Ethereum has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the world around us. By providing a decentralized platform for smart contracts, Ethereum can help to create a more transparent, efficient, and secure world.

What is Ethereum?

Ethereum comprises a global network of computers that collectively adhere to a predefined set of principles known as the Ethereum protocol. Serving as the underpinning infrastructure, the Ethereum network facilitates the establishment of communities, the development of applications, the operation of organizations, and the utilization of digital assets, all of which are open for creation and use by anyone.

The distinctive feature of Ethereum lies in its capacity to enable the creation of Ethereum accounts from anywhere, at any time, providing individuals with the means to engage with a diverse ecosystem of applications or even construct their own. Notably, this groundbreaking innovation operates on the premise of decentralization, eliminating the need to place trust in a central authority that could potentially alter the rules or restrict access.

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Introducing “Ether,” the cryptocurrency of Ethereum

Numerous activities carried out on the Ethereum network necessitate the execution of tasks within Ethereum's embedded computing system, known as the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Such computational processes are not without cost; they are funded through the utilization of Ethereum's native cryptocurrency, known as ether (ETH). Consequently, to engage with the network, one must possess at least a nominal amount of ether.

Ether exists exclusively in digital form, enabling seamless instant transfers to individuals across the globe. Notably, the supply of ether is not subject to control by any governmental entity or corporation; instead, it adheres to principles of decentralization and complete transparency. Ether is meticulously issued in accordance with the established protocol, exclusively allocated to network validators who contribute to the security of the system.

What Can Ethereum do?

Banking for everyone

Access to financial services is not universally available, but all that's required to access Ethereum and its associated lending, borrowing, and savings products is a reliable internet connection.

An open internet

The Ethereum network welcomes participation from anyone, enabling both interaction with the platform and the development of applications. This empowerment enables individuals to assert control over their assets and identity, liberating them from the influence of a select few mega-corporations.

A peer-to-peer network

Ethereum enables users to seamlessly coordinate, establish agreements, or transfer digital assets directly to others, eliminating the necessity for intermediaries in the process.


Neither the government nor the corporation exerts authority over Ethereum. Its decentralized nature renders it exceedingly challenging for any entity to impede your ability to receive payments or avail of services on the Ethereum platform.

Commerce guarantees

Customers enjoy a robust built-in assurance that funds will only be transferred when the agreed-upon deliverables are provided. Similarly, developers can rest assured that the established rules remain consistent and won't undergo unexpected modifications.

Composable products

All applications are constructed on a unified blockchain infrastructure, featuring a collective global state. This architecture enables them to seamlessly interoperate, akin to assembling Lego bricks. This synergy fosters the creation of superior products and enhanced user experiences while ensuring the permanence of essential tools that applications depend upon, safeguarding against their removal by any single entity.

What is a blockchain?

A blockchain is a decentralized ledger of transactions, continuously updated and distributed across a network of numerous computers. Each instance of adding a new group of transactions is referred to as a "block," which gives the technology its name, "blockchain." Public blockchains, such as Ethereum, permit anyone to contribute data but do not allow data removal. In the event of an attempt to tamper with or manipulate the information, it would necessitate altering the majority of computers within the network, a formidable task. This intrinsic security feature is a hallmark of decentralized blockchains like Ethereum.

What is a cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a term encompassing various forms of fungible digital tokens secured through blockchain technology. The genesis of this innovation can be traced back to Bitcoin, which facilitates peer-to-peer value transfers without the need for intermediaries. Trust is placed solely in the transparent and openly accessible Bitcoin code.

Assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum earn the label "cryptocurrencies" due to their reliance on cryptographic security mechanisms, rather than institutional or corporate trustworthiness, to safeguard user data and assets.

Ethereum boasts its native cryptocurrency, known as ether (ETH), primarily employed for specific activities within its network. It can be seamlessly exchanged among users or utilized in the swapping of tokens on the Ethereum platform. Ether holds a unique role, as it serves as compensation for the computational resources required in the development and operation of applications and entities in the Ethereum ecosystem.

More cost-effective and expedited international payment solutions

Stablecoins represent an innovative category of cryptocurrencies that derive their value foundation from more stable assets. The majority of stablecoins are pegged to the United States dollar, thereby preserving the value parity with this particular currency. This characteristic enables the establishment of an affordable and dependable global payment infrastructure. Currently, a significant number of stablecoins are constructed on the Ethereum blockchain network.

Ethereum and stablecoins streamline the international money transfer process, enabling swift fund transfers across borders. This typically requires just a few minutes, in stark contrast to the extended processing times of traditional banks, which may span several business days or even weeks. Furthermore, these digital solutions offer cost-effective advantages, as they entail only a fraction of the fees associated with conventional banking methods. Notably, there are no additional charges for high-value transactions, and there are no restrictions imposed on the purpose or destination of your funds.

Rapid Assistance During Critical Moments

Individuals fortunate enough to access a variety of reputable banking options within their locality might overlook the invaluable financial freedom, security, and stability these institutions provide. However, for countless individuals across the globe grappling with political oppression or economic adversity, conventional financial institutions may fall short of offering the requisite protection and services they desperately require.

In moments of crises such as wars, economic downturns, or infringements on civil liberties affecting the populations of Venezuela, Cuba, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Belarus, and Ukraine, cryptocurrencies have emerged as the swiftest and frequently the sole means for individuals to preserve their financial autonomy. These instances illustrate how cryptocurrencies like Ethereum can offer unimpeded access to the global economy, bridging the gap for individuals isolated from the external world. Furthermore, stablecoins present a reliable store of value amid the disintegration of local currencies caused by hyperinflation.

Fostering Empowerment for Creative Minds

In the year 2021, a substantial community of artists, musicians, writers, and various other creative individuals harnessed the power of Ethereum, collectively amassing approximately $3.5 billion in earnings. This impressive figure solidifies Ethereum's position as one of the foremost global platforms for creators, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with established giants like Spotify, YouTube, and Etsy. 

Fostering Gamer Empowerment

The emergence of "play-to-earn" games, where players receive tangible rewards for their gameplay, represents a significant transformation within the gaming industry. In traditional gaming paradigms, the exchange or transfer of in-game assets for real currency is typically discouraged or prohibited, leading players to resort to unregulated black market platforms, often fraught with security risks. In contrast, blockchain gaming actively embraces and fosters a legitimate in-game economy, promoting these behaviors within a secure and trustworthy framework.

Who runs Ethereum?

Ethereum operates without centralized control, deriving its existence from a network of interconnected computers that adhere to the Ethereum protocol and contribute to the Ethereum blockchain. These individual computing units are commonly referred to as nodes, and they can be operated by anyone. However, active participation in the network's security necessitates the staking of ETH, Ethereum's native token. Notably, this staking process is accessible to anyone who possesses 32 ETH, without requiring prior authorization.

Moreover, the Ethereum source code itself does not originate from a single entity. Instead, it is open to suggestions for protocol changes and welcomes discussions regarding enhancements. Multiple independent organizations create various implementations of the Ethereum protocol in diverse programming languages. These implementations are typically developed transparently and promote engagement from the wider community.

What is the impact of Ethereum’s energy consumption?

On September 15, 2022, Ethereum underwent a pivotal transformation known as 'The Merge' upgrade, marking a significant milestone in its evolution. This upgrade marked the transition of Ethereum from a proof-of-work to a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism.

The Merge was an extraordinary development in Ethereum's history, resulting in a remarkable 99.95% reduction in the energy consumption necessary to secure the Ethereum network. This profound reduction not only enhanced the network's environmental sustainability but also fortified its security and scalability. As a result, Ethereum has now emerged as a low-carbon blockchain, offering a more secure and environmentally responsible solution for its users.

What distinctions can be identified between Ethereum and Bitcoin?

Launched in 2015, Ethereum represents a notable evolution from Bitcoin's pioneering concept, introducing significant distinctions between the two.

Both cryptocurrencies offer the capacity to transact with digital assets devoid of intermediaries like payment providers or traditional banks. However, Ethereum differentiates itself by its programmable nature, enabling the creation and deployment of decentralized applications within its network.

Bitcoin, in its essence, empowers individuals to transmit basic messages regarding the perceived value of assets. This autonomous establishment of value, devoid of central authority, is undeniably potent. Ethereum builds upon this foundation by allowing users to craft versatile programs and contracts, without restrictions on their complexity or purpose. Consequently, the Ethereum network becomes a fertile ground for pioneering innovations, as diverse types of contracts and agreements can be formulated and executed.

In contrast to Bitcoin's primary role as a payment network, Ethereum takes on a multifaceted role akin to a marketplace. Here, a diverse array of financial services, gaming platforms, social networks, and various other applications converge, showcasing its potential as a versatile ecosystem for innovation and development.

Adoption and Ecosystem

Ethereum has witnessed a substantial surge in adoption across various domains in recent years. Notably, these include:

  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Ethereum stands at the forefront of DeFi platforms, enabling a financial ecosystem built upon blockchain technology. DeFi applications empower users to access financial services such as lending, borrowing, and trading, all without the need for a central authority.
  • Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): Ethereum is the premier choice for the creation and exchange of NFTs, digital assets distinguished by their uniqueness and irreplaceability. NFTs find applications in representing ownership of digital artworks, collectibles, and various other digital items.
  • Supply Chain Management: Ethereum can be harnessed to monitor the movement of goods and materials within supply chains, fostering improved efficiency and transparency throughout the supply chain ecosystem.
  • Voting: Ethereum facilitates the development of decentralized voting systems, offering heightened security and transparency compared to conventional voting mechanisms.
  • Gaming: Ethereum serves as a foundational platform for decentralized gaming, providing enhanced security and fairness in comparison to traditional gaming setups.
  • Intellectual Property (IP): Ethereum offers a robust solution for registering and tracking intellectual property rights, safeguarding IP owners against infringement.

These represent only a selection of Ethereum's prominent use cases. As the platform continues to evolve, it is anticipated that we will witness the emergence of even more innovative Ethereum applications in the years ahead.

In addition to the aforementioned adoptions, Ethereum has also seen notable implementations in various other areas:

  • Axie Infinity: This gaming sensation leverages Ethereum to establish a play-to-earn gaming economy.
  • MakerDAO: MakerDAO employs Ethereum to create DAI, a decentralized stablecoin.
  • Uniswap: A decentralized exchange, Uniswap utilizes Ethereum, permitting users to trade cryptocurrencies without relying on a central authority.
  • Compound: Operating on Ethereum, the Compound lending platform enables users to lend and borrow cryptocurrencies.
  • Synthetix: The Synthetix derivatives platform harnesses Ethereum's capabilities, facilitating the trading of synthetic assets.

These examples underscore Ethereum's versatility and adaptability. As Ethereum's development continues, one can anticipate a continual stream of innovative and exciting applications emerging on the platform in the years to come.


Overall Ethereum is an innovative machine that revolutionized the world with decentralization. At Normal Finance, we offer you peace of mind when it comes to selecting and managing your long-term cryptocurrency investments. We have developed an advanced cryptocurrency Index Fund known as the 'Normal Index Fund,' which allows you to achieve instant diversification across 40 carefully selected digital assets for the long term. Optimize your investment experience and alleviate concerns surrounding Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies through Normal's comprehensive solution. Your financial peace of mind is our priority at Normal.
